Saturday, June 24, 2017

More craziness and what I have discovered about my health since.

So, lately my dreams all seem to have a theme.  Last night I was in a parking lot and discovered that my car had been stolen and no one would help me.  In order to leave the parking lot, I had to stand in line and be checked out the way they check you at airport security.  It actually wasn't until after I had been through this line that I discovered that the car wasn't there!

I had a dream the other night about not knowing how to get home.  I just kept going and going, and I never did figure it out.

I also had a dream that my hair fell out as I was brushing it!  I have had dreams of my teeth falling out, but never a dream about my hair!  It was so real to me!

So, here is what I have discovered about my health since I started the blog.  I have been diagnosed with relapsing remitting multiple schlerosis.  I am still in a very early stage and other than having to take medication and vitamins daily, life is fairly normal.  Could these crazy dreams have something to do with this diagnosis?  It makes me want to do a survey and find out.

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