Sunday, July 7, 2024

Unused gifts, a scary doll, etc

 Last night's dream was definitely unique and I can't seem to make any sense of it.  I was cleaning out a closet that belonged to a child, though it was unclear whose.  I found bags and bags of unopened gifts.  Tons of toys still in the package that weren't ever opened.  The strange thing is, this child was supposed to be underprivileged so I didn't understand why they never opened hardly anything.  There was one doll that looked like it was well loved, but upon picking it up, it opened it's eyes and started talking to me.  It suddenly turned evil like the "Chucky" doll in the "Child's Play" movie.  I haven't even seen that movie, just previews and such but I knew I wouldn't like it and I believe it created a fear of dolls in many people.  I looked around and there were a ton of doll clothes and accessories that were opened and played with.  I started packing up the clothes, but the doll was using every tactic possible to keep me from doing it.  It tried scaring me, it tried being sweet, it tried pleading and begging.  I was so freaked out that I left the room and it followed me!  Suddenly I am on a pool deck and someone saw it and threw it in the pool.  That's all I remember!  I was relieved when I woke up and realized it was all a dream.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Caravan

 Last night I dreamed that I was in a big van with my family but my mom was by herself in the car ahead of us.  She was leading us along.  Every once in a while she would get out, wait for us, point the next direction to go, then run back to her car and keep driving.  I think this dream is a death metaphor and represents my biggest fear.  I know someday my mom will leave this earth but I am not ready for that yet.  She is still relatively young.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

A hole in the floor

 Last night my dream was extra weird.  I was at work (I work in a retail store) and I noticed that the floor was bouncy in the spot where I was standing.  Upon further examination I discovered that there was a hole in the floor with carpet stretched over it.  The carpet was starting to fray and no one was worried about it except me.  

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

This is just weird

 Recently I dreamed that I was a guest in someone's house.  I wanted to take a shower so I got ready and gathered my things and then couldn't find the bathroom!  I felt lost, confused, and a little panicked!  It seems that many of my dreams involved being lost.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

New Dream,

 Last night I dreamt that I was in a school cafeteria and I wanted to buy lunch for someone who was less fortunate so I asked the lunch lady to tell me who could use a free lunch.  She gave me the name of someone and I bought a lunch for them. The line was really long and in this lunch room you order the food in one line and then wait for it to be ready.  Mine was sitting there ready to go but no one had time to give it to me and I didn't have access to it without climbing over a counter which I didn't want to do. For some reason, by the time I got the food, lunch was over and neither they nor I got to eat.

Right now, I have been trying so hard to help those less fortunate so I am sure this has something to do with that, but I am still not entirely sure if this dream is trying to tell me something or if it's just random mixed up thoughts that turned into a meaningless dream.  Do all dreams have meaning?

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Dreams or Ghosts?

 It has been a ridiculous amount of time since my last post.  I wonder if it has anything to do with my medication which I am no longer taking.  I was diagnosed with MS about 7 years ago and I am between meds right now.  It's only been about a week and a half since I stopped the medication but I have already had 3 weird/disturbing dreams.

In my first dream, I discovered a secret door in my house and when I opened it, tons of cats and dogs came out and took over my house!  Also there was a weird rodent like creature the size of a cat but resembled a guinea pig with spots like a fawn.  This dream was definitely unique.  I have no idea what it might be telling me.

In my second dream, there was a barricade about to crash into me and I yelled, "Danger! Danger!" I've had similar dreams before of things about to crash into me or crush me or whatever so this one was not completely unique.

The most disturbing dream was this morning and I am still unsure if it was a dream or a ghost.  I heard someone yelling, "Help me, please, please help me!"  It sounded like it was coming from another room in the house like the basement or something but it was a male voice and I only have females in my basement.  I don't believe in ghosts the way some do, but where did the cries come from?  Why would my mind drum up something like that?

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


As a mother raising three teenagers, somehow I keep myself together despite all of the drama.  I wish I could say that about my dreams.  Lately they have had an overlying theme: panic! 

Last night, I dreamt that I was in high school again trying to get ready for PE, but I couldn't find my locker, I couldn't find my clothes, and by the time I had it all together, the class was over! 

With the stress I have been under I would expect to be falling apart, but I guess due to getting plenty of rest, eating regularly, taking vitamins, and keeping to my routines, I manage to hold it together.  Or perhaps it is Divine intervention?  Whatever it is, I am grateful!